High Impact, slow release - learning that continues to unfold
Over the years we have worked with many partners to deliver internal programmes and with consultancies to develop and deliver bespoke programmes for their clients. As well as our many corporate partners we have worked with Dubai Women’s Leadership Network, Ashridge, New Direction Culture, Torch Leadership Labs, Chiswick Business Park, Thales and Sladen Consulting.
We work dynamically with the complexity of live issues, in the moment, with whatever arises, in a process-orientated and right relational approach.
We bring experiences, language, symbols and metaphors that gives teams cultural resources that continue to be drawn on long after the event.
co-creating Solutions with Partners
How is it that working with us is so effective?
We help organisations to 'see the system' through a constellation and systemic orientation, which can produce extraordinary shifts.
Working with horses as our guides puts women and men on an entirely equal footing. Masculine traits of will, focus, structure and goal are held in balance with feminine ones of relationship, nurture, trust and flow. Participants experience how both polarities are essential and work best when synthesised.
We work with the Five Dimensions of Leadership developed by Roger Evans: Self Awareness, Awareness of Others, Awareness of the System, Freeing the Will, and Accessing the Right Support. This model is integrated through all our client work.
Accelerated learning through a profound experience that includes the body, mind, emotions and spirit - we work on many levels simultaneously and the learning continues long after the event.
The body remembers
Ours is a uniquely embodied approach that harnesses instinct, intuition, gut feeling and enhanced physiological state to allow learning to be absorbed and integrated into the fabric of the Being.
“I had profound insights into myself and my relationships with others. My understanding of leadership went to a much deeper level in a short period of time.”
Leading from the Higher Self - 3-week leadership programmes for UAE women in Dubai
Authentic leadership - achieving presence and congruence that inspires others to follow
Culture change in big pharma - synthesising teams in the wake of a take-over
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Ready for that something Else?
If you think our approach may compliment your human resource and organisational development training do get in touch.