Evolving organisations
through Equine guided leadership development
Lack of engagement and diversity, rigid cultures, linear thinking, silo mentality, hybrid working all in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environment.
How can organisations move to the next level?
“The key to transformative change is to make the system see itself. It matters to the future of our institutions, our societies, and our planet”
Who We've Worked With....
We help organisations to 'see the system' through a constellation and systemic orientation, which can produce extraordinary shifts.
We help organisations to make positive steps to a new level of thriving and innovation.
A Better Workplace
“If we always did what we have always done, we will always get what we always got…”
The benefits lie in synthesising a thriving, diverse, inclusive working culture.
By evolving more wholesome workplaces, so it is that elusive ‘balance’ and employee well-being is nurtured, with a reduction in both recruitment costs and absenteeism. It also spreads out to the wider culture of how we do business, and into homes and relationships.
STAT: Employees Who Are Thriving in Overall Wellbeing Have 41% Lower Health-Related Costs Compared With Employees Who Are Struggling and 62% Lower Costs Compared With Employees Who Are Suffering, Gallup Consulting, Economics of Wellbeing, 2017
Equilibrium Partners enables organisations to move to the next level of their evolution.
Enriched thinking and creativity through enabling diverse views and ideas to generate processes, products and outcomes
Investing in the development of talent to proactively grow the leaders of tomorrow
Shifting conflict from anger and resentment, to using it wisely through holding creative tension out of which new possibilities and solutions spring
Increasing motivation and engagement to foster healthier, happier teams; a workplace where people can fully contribute their potential
to explore how we can support your organisation
Let’s start with a conversation, we'd love to hear from you.
“I had profound insights into myself and my relationships with others. My understanding of leadership went to a much deeper level in a short period of time.”